Hempel Webinar

Webinar registration

Inside Passive Fire Protection: Cellulosic PFP and Durability in Corrosive Environments


Passive Fire Protection (PFP) coatings - also known as intumescent coatings - are designed for the protection of a substrate against fires. This webinar focusses on PFP coatings for the protection of structural steel against cellulosic fires, and the approval and verification testing for the correct functioning of these PFP products following durability exposure (according EAD 350402-00-1106 and EN16623). These standards will be compared with the durability testing typically used for anti-corrosion coatings (ISO12944-6).


Duration:  about 60 minutes


Erik van Schaijk
Senior Subject Matter Expert, Research & Development

Erik has a BSc in Chemical Engineering and has worked in the Protective coatings industry for 23 years. Since 2002 he has specialised in the field of Passive Fire Protection with expertise in many areas such as formulation development, testing and certification of intumescent coating systems.

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