Hempel's Epoxy Filler 35250 is a solvent-free, epoxy filler, which when fully cured - is resistant to water, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and related products. Can be applied in thick coats up to approximately 5 mm without runs or sags.
Recommended use
Hempel's Epoxy Filler 35250 is recommended as a filler for metals, hardwood, and other rigid materials. Also recommended for filling of pinholes in welding seems and similar irregularities in steel work not later exposed to strong chemicals. -
Markets and application
Infrastructure/Civil structuresInfrastructure/MiningInfrastructure/BridgesInfrastructure/Infrastructure othersOil and Gas/DownstreamOil and Gas/UpstreamThermal Power/Thermal powerMarine/Marine seastock