Hempadur Avantguard 550 is an activated zinc epoxy primer in compliance with the requirements of Level 3, type II in SSPC Paint-20, 2019. Hempadur Avantguard 550 functions as a zinc-rich epoxy featuring a higher mechanical strength. The product is in full compliance with ASTM D520 type II and EU Directive 2004/42/EC, the Paints Directive on the limitation of volatile organic compounds: subcategory j.
Reduces the effect of corrosion and provides very good galvanic protection. Fast drying primer with short minimum overcoating intervals. Excellent mechanical strength, also in cyclic temperatures, with improved tolerance to high film thickness through high flexibility and self-healing effect. Superior tolerance to high relative humidity during application. Cures down to -10°C [14°F]. -
Recommended use
Hempadur Avantguard 550 is recommended as a versatile primer for long-term protection of steel in severely corrosive environments. -
Markets and application
Marine/Marine new buildInfrastructure/Civil structuresInfrastructure/MiningInfrastructure/BridgesInfrastructure/Infrastructure othersOil and Gas/DownstreamOil and Gas/UpstreamThermal Power/Thermal powerWind/Wind towersMarine/Marine seastockMarine/Marine dry dock